Giving people tools, not rules.
What an honor to have a conversation with radio host and wellness expert Kinshasha Kambui. We talked about Kickass Healthy LADA, about diabetes 1.5, and about how to be healthy and happy with any form of diabetes.
Kambui has been the host of Health Notes for 30 years. “The goal of ‘Health Notes’ is to put out as much good information as possible. It doesn’t cost anything. The airwaves are free. So there’s no barrier to people,” she said in an interview with the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder.
Kinshasha and I explored the importance of knowing whether our diabetes is an autoimmune disease (meaning our pancreas is under attack!) or is instead the type most people are familiar with, type two, where the body becomes resistant to a key natural hormone we all make: insulin.
Thousands of Americans with the first problem (diabetes 1.5) are still today misdiagnosed with type 2. Misdiagnosis is dangerous — you may receive harmful treatments and likely won’t be given the treatments you need!
We discussed equity and access in today’s medical system, and how important it is that we all ADVOCATE for ourself so we can be PROPERLY DIAGNOSED EARLY.
Kinshasha complimented my approach, thanking me for giving people helpful empowering tools, not a list of rules!
Listen to our conservation here.
Jackie, congratulations, that is a huge deal to be featured on NPR.
Thank you, it was a wonderful interview, Kinshasha Kambui is a brilliant and knowledgeable host! However — APOLOGIES! — I was confused about the difference between *Independent* Public Radio and NPR. Health Notes is an Independent Public Radio program. I haven’t yet figured out how to change the link name to remove NPR, oops. It still IS a huge deal, KFAI is an awesome public radio station, I’m so honored. Thanks for writing!
Annnnd… changed it! Not that hard, as it turns out. Hope you will check out some of Kinshasha’s other podcasts, and the wonderful work she does in many arenas. Cheers!